Veterinary Spaces: Construction in Veterinary Medicine

Listen to the Podcast – Veterinary Spaces: Construction in Veterinary Medicine The Veterinarian Success Podcast is a Podcast Focused on YOUR Success in Veterinary Medicine. Covering topics in clinical, business, financial, and the personal lives of veterinarians. Our Director of Client Services joined Isaiah Douglass on this exciting podcast, sharing stories on how to think about…

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4 Inspiring Pediatric Dental Office Design Ideas

What if kids couldn’t wait to go to the dentist? Yes, it is possible to…with a themed space! From the moment children walk through the door of your pediatric dental office, they will be enamored by the fairytale adventure you’re taking them on. When presented with the opportunity to play, kids drop everything and dive…

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What Really Makes Healthcare Design Work

Listen to the Podcast – Healthcare Interior Design 2.0 The Lightning Round In this lightning round podcast, listen to Monika Smith, Design Director at Apex Design Build, on what no one is talking about in a healthcare project that they should be talking about. Monika shares, “When many of the doctors we serve in private practice…

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Before You Sign That Healthcare Office Lease

The decision to buy or lease space can be one of the toughest decisions for doctors hoping to open their own practice. Unless a doctor personally owns a property, they will have to sign a lease to be able to work in their desired office location. Don’t be fooled by simply believing the landlord when…

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4 Inspirational Vet Office Design Ideas

When you are planning to open a brand-new veterinary office, figuring out the right design can be daunting. Are you looking for some advice on how you can design the best veterinary office for your clients and their fur babies. Here are four veterinary practice design ideas to help you get started. Neutral shades like…

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Thinking About Opening a Medical Practice? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions

There’s nothing quite as rewarding as seeing your own name on the door. It’s a wonderful feeling to see something that you built, succeed. But starting your own medical or dental practice isn’t all glamor. There’s a significant amount of sacrifice involved as well. Below are four of the questions that you should be prepared…

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8 Questions to ask Before You Buy Medical or Dental Equipment

Buying equipment is a significant part of establishing a new practice, and something that needs to happen as current equipment ages, or your practice expands. This equipment and technology can often be expensive, however. Purchasing a new piece of equipment is always a significant decision. We have a list of eight questions below that can…

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4 Factors in Choosing Your Practice Location

Determining the location of your medical practice is a significant decision. The right location is a critical factor in the long-term success of your operation. It’s important to be thoughtful about where you choose to locate. Below are some factors for you to consider as you make this important decision regarding your practice. Local Community…

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Review Your Practice’s Business Plan While on Quarantine

Closing your doors to routine patient visits is of course, extremely stressful. These are challenging, but temporary restrictions. While the situation is less than ideal, you’ve also been given a window of time to evaluate the health of your practice and plan for any necessary improvements after the doors open again. When you first started…

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Enhance Your Marketing While on COVID-19 Quarantine

Dentists and doctors all over the nation are closing their practices during the COVID-19 outbreak. You can use this time to strengthen your practice, so that you return stronger than you were before. Now is the perfect time to think about marketing, and how to attract more patients, while your schedule isn’t filled with patient…

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