Waiting Room Design Ideas

At Apex Design Build, we work closely with our clients to understand your needs better than you do! There is one element of any medical office that you should not give short shrift — the waiting room. Excellent waiting room design is all that stands between keeping a patient and losing them. Indeed, even small…

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Patient Acquisition through Healthcare Design

Listen to the Podcast – How Design Impacts New Patient Acquisition In this episode of Grace Rizza’s Growing with Grace podcast, Apex Design Build’s Bruce Johnstone discusses the subject of patient acquisition through healthcare office design. First impressions are only made once, so it matters to the potential patient that the practice environment matches the type of care…

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Designing Mental Health Facilities for Privacy and Dignity

The History of Mental Health Treatment The treatment of mental illness, and thus mental health facility design, have been evolving since ancient times. Advances in chemistry, medicine, psychology, and science have helped fuel these changes, and will continue to do so as new discoveries are made and more is learned about the nature of mental…

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Health & Wellness in Healthcare Facility Design

What is health? Psychology Today maintains that it’s more than the dictionary definition of the absence of disease or infirmity; healthy living includes lifestyle choices that support your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Today, integrating health and wellness in healthcare facility design is the goal of many of the nation’s leading healthcare facility design build…

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Improving Patient Experience with Technology

Improving patient experience through the use of technology is a key way to develop and strengthen your practice’s brand. Patients are shopping for their healthcare providers more than ever before, and implementing technology through the more routine aspects of patient care can help you stand out. Incorporating features and programs like notification reminders, patient portals,…

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Creating a Therapeutic Environment

For a doctor or dentist, patient care should be at the center of every decision, and that means creating a therapeutic environment. Your office is more than a simple chair and routine medical equipment. It’s a place where patients can initiate the healing process. A patient may be anxious before or during their appointment. A…

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What Your Dentist Waiting Room Says About Your Practice

Many patients are anxious leading up to a dental procedure. It stands to reason that your dentist waiting room should be a place where patients can rest and alleviate some of that anxiety before they enter the treatment area. The waiting room showcases how well you pay attention to detail – and how much you…

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Moving Forward: Modern Medical Office Construction

Medical office construction has changed a lot since we first founded Apex Design Build. As such, modern medical office construction practices are ripe with unique innovations that just wouldn’t have been possible decades ago. Current changes in labor, workflow, design, and culture have all changed the way we think about medical office construction. These new…

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