About This Project
Apex Design Build recently completed this buildout for this busy pediatric & orthodontic practice. We worked during the buildout stage to open up what was once a multiple practice building, into our client’s new space. Our design team worked together with the Doctors to keep the design modern while still matching the new practice’s finishes to flow into the style of their existing practice. This contemporary renovation is a great fit for their rapidly growing pediatric practice.
Design Highlights:
We worked with the Doctors to bring their vision of the practice to life. The practice is designed with modern and chic elements, finished with clean lines and warm tones. Our team designed the floor and ceiling patterns to mimic the pathways below and place emphasis on the main lobby reception desk. Green wall elements along with lighted planters were highlighted through the practice. A focal point in the new practice is the handmade greenery and tile mosaic from Italy that is situated near the ortho bays.